Private 1:1 Initial Consult
Heal the Relationship Wounds Holding Your Legacy Back From God-led Impact
For men & women to heal the relationship wounds holding them back from attracting sacred union,
or couples devoted to saving their union/marriage through God-led leadership.
Initial 90-minute consult: $400 USD
Book 1:1 ConsultThis is For Your if You Are Ready to Heal the Relationship Wounds in the Way of Embodying God-led Marriage & Empower Your Highest Purpose in Your Conscious Business
For men, women & devoted couples
- You're seeing challenging and toxic patterns in your marriage/relationship repeat month after month. Â
- You feel your partner/wife has hardened, she is berating you, angry with you all the time, calling you weak, or a little boy, and disrespecting you.
- You have a difficult time holding space and meeting your partner's/wife's emotions, many times feeling overwhelmed by her emotional range or anger.
- You ask your partner/wife to 'calm down' or speak to you rationally, and she just gets more upset and louder.
- Your wife constantly says you are not meeting her emotions, and you are confused as to what the core issue is and how to hold space for her.
- You have patterns of defensiveness, and sometimes emotional reactivity that is wounding your partner/wife
- You love your wife dearly, but are unclear of why, and how to solve the deepest challenges in your union.
- You are seeing the ripple of your relationship challenges negatively impact your business, profits, and highest purpose.
- Your business has plateaued and you know that if you solve your marital problems, your business will rise again.
- God brought you two together and divorce is not an option. You are devoted to embodying God-led leadership and take 100% accountability so you can be a better man for your partner/wife, and create lasting and loving sacred union.Â
- You feel constantly suppressed in your emotions and do not feel your husband can hold space or meet you at your deepest emotional core.
- You are scared your suppressed emotions and increased hyper-vigilance will or has already caused inner disease in your body.
- Over the course of your relationship/marriage, you have hardened, become bitter, more angry, unfulfilled, and unmet. You are exhausted of feeling like you are the one leading the relationship and 'teaching' your partner/husband.
- You sense your husband is emasculated and lacks inner fortitude and backbone, but you know he is here for a higher God-led calling and you two are together to share a greater purpose for humanity.Â
- You fear your partner/husband may not be able to pick up the sword and own his responsibility and role as a God-led man in your union, yet you know in your heart he is capable and honorable.
- You've tried the polarity coaching teachings, but instinctively find them performative and lack true depth of natural embodiment. You are ready to truly embody the God-led path untethered to force from the mind. Â
- You will only surrender to the God within your man and are ready to soften through your man's God-led leadership.
You both are ready to break free from collective trauma conditioning holding your union back from deeper and more fulfilling sacred union in God-led marriage/partnership.
This path is for you if you feel you are ready for a deeper level of intimacy and God-led union in your relationships/marriage.
How Does This Work?
With couples/marriages, the work primarily focuses around the husband's/men's embodiment in grounded safe presence for his wife/partner.
The reason:
Women are MIRRORS and RESPONDERS of men and patriarchal society.
If over time in a relationship a women hardens, degrades, becomes depressed, and experiences pain, this is a direct reflection of the man's/husband's lack of leadership from collective wounding.
Simply put, of course both men and women are wounded and have their individual traumas, however all traumas are a direct result of living in a diseased patriarchal society designed by men.
Corporate culture was designed by men. The industrial evolution was designed by men. War is created by men. Then weakened families are led by traumatized and dissociated men that traumatize the women and daughters. The resulting traumas that men and women suffer from came from men.
Strong, grounded and empathetic fathers nurture loving wives, women, son's and daughters.Â
So in this work we focus on realigning the man's inner state where his wife/partner will then naturally in time respond and heal as a direct reflection of his new whole healed embodiment. Natural polarity restored without our mind trying to control the outcome tethered to collective trauma conditioned beliefs that women should meet men in the middle, when the patriarchal society is the core reason women are wounded to begin with.Â
Through the man's renewed God-led embodiment, the marriage is restored and his wife can heal from any trauma over time in the marriage.
In this work we get to the ROOTÂ and CORE of societal trauma and allow Life Intelligence to self-organize a natural renewed healthy relationship no longer tethered to old patriarchal constructs of control in the mind.Â
No psychological labels to separate you from the energetic CORE Truth arising within God Consciousness that is already available to us to self-organize renewed healing, and sacred union for humanity.Â
Women's work on this path is different from men. We don't ask women to meet their men in the middle. Women have been living with generations of emotional suppression from patriarchal and masculine control. Society has succeeded in oppressing the God-led women, as she is a beacon of change that disrupts the status quo.Â
In our work with women we focus on empowering women to feel SAFE and SUPPORTED by God within to then feel safe and supported to share her Truth with her husband, and the husband learned how to RECEIVE his partner's emotions just as she is. In time this naturally instills a backbone of inner FORTITUDE and EMPATHY in the man, and ultimate FREEDOM for the women.Â
Now natural God-led harmony is restored.Â
Both man and woman each devoted to serving God Consciousness before themselves, and allowing God Consciousness to speak through them not just the weakness of the human conditioned mind tainted by generations of trauma.Â
A God-led woman will not only surrender to and serve the God in the man, and the God-led man will now be able to receive fully the God-led intelligence of his oracle wife, and pour into his wife 100x. She then will pour back into the family 1000x as women are natural multipliers of prosperity in God-led service.Â
Session Breakdown:
Men: Mostly men take a majority of the sessions in order to build more empathy and Godly connection and empathy in order to have the men lead the marriage through their God-led embodiment. God/Living Intelligence will technically lead the man into greater union with his wife, and his wife will naturally RESPOND to his embodied empathy and masculine leadership.Â
Couples: For couples working together, in our first consult we determine the primary relationship challenges and divide the 12 sessions between the man, women, and joint together depending on the unique dynamic. Usually 4 sessions for couples together, and 8 for the men.
Women: I do work with married women individually, mainly to feel SAFE and supported by God within, in order to safely share their suppressed pains from the marriage and Truth with their husband. It is essential that for the union to heal, the husband must join in the work ASAP. While it is preferred to have the men start the work from the beginning, it is possible to have women begin first on their own to then be more empowered to speak with their husbands to join in their mutual healing down the road.
About the Living Immersion Method™
This is not cognitive coaching or relationship therapy.
This is not masculine/feminine embodiment.
This is not traditional meditation or breathwork.
All of those modalities use the mind that has its limited as you are containing your experience within human consciousness. To consciously co-create your highest destined reality you must surrender the limitations of your conditioned mind to open up to ALL OF LIVING INTELLIGENCE in order to self-organize at the sub-atomic, energetic level.
The Living Immersion is the HOW to let go let God on a cellular level.
Less mind = Less collective trauma conditioning = Less limitations = You embody a clearer vessel of God/Living Intelligence.
You embody a purer vessel of Living Intelligence so you can more clearly express your highest purpose for humanity's ascension.
The Living Immersion Method™ is a lost, sovereign, mastery-level somatic/energetic method to overcome your deepest blocks and release control of the limitations of your conditioned mind.
LIM is an innate, safe, and gentle somatic surrendering of your body, breath, and molecules into an electromagnetic one consciousness neurogenesis state, to cleanse the ripple of collective trauma conditioning in your cells holding you back from your highest purpose as a conscious leader.
With LIMÂ you learn to sense your subconscious blocks, triggers, life and business challenges, merely as Life Force energy arising in order to utilize the stored intelligence of the block to naturally transmute your conditioning on its own.Â
LIM is the HOW to let go let God on a neurological, cellular, and DNA level.
Not even my guidance will get in the way of your sovereign connection to greater inner wisdom and clarity between you and God as One.Â
I take your privacy seriously and our work together is strictly confidential and 100% secure to the highest degree. As I regularly work with intimate challenges for married couples, 8-fig CEOs, high-profile actors, athletes, and media personalities, where intimate personal details are disclosed, we are open to signing NDAs if requested.Â
Initial single consult for new clients only.
Options for Additional Support After Your Initial Consult:Â
Individual or Couples 1:1
12 Session / 3 Month Package:
$4,800 USD
Payment plan available
• Includes 12 x 60-min Living Immersion Method™ private sessions over 4 months + daily Telegram support with Philip
After your term, month to month packages are available for as long as needed (average term usually 4–6 months).
About Philip Attar

Philip & Amanda-Lee Attar
Co-founders of the Living Immersion Method™
Philip Attar founded his practice in 2015 after transforming his own life from dis-ease into ease. In 2010, the stresses of his NYC Creative Director career (Swarovski, Vogue, Coach) and a family death took their toll on his nervous system. This activated Philip's traumatic Graves' Ophthalmopathy disease and he became cross-eyed with bulging eyes and led Philip to surrender every ounce of his will and completely let go let God.
Through a self-induced somatic surrendering process, he discovered that when you release deep tensions in your body on a quantum level, you can self-induce a cellular kinesthetic healing state, activate your immune system and amplify your electromagnetic field. Philip was able to self-regulate and heal his hormones without medications or thyroid surgeries, leading to the development of his Somatic Heart Healing Method in 2015.
After helping hundreds heal their bodies, disease, hearts, and minds, in 2021 Philip had another invitation from Source/Yeshua/Ra Consciousness energies, to surrender even deeper into union with all without utilizing the mind to heal — Pure Source Energy. This invitation led to Philip magnetizing his now wife Amanda-Lee Attar into sacred union.Â
Amanda-Lee healed her own disease and organ failure and naturally embodied the mastery of this unique innate technology for a decade before meeting Philip. Their union was one led by God to merge their individual experiences with the method, and led to the refining of what is now named the Living Immersion Method™ — The lost HOW to let go let God.Â
No mind, no forced will, no visualization impairing your higher purpose, no more seeking outside of yourself.
Welcome to Embodied Truth.
Not even their guidance will get in the way of you and God/Living Intelligence as One.
Academy of Living Intelligence
Philip and Amanda-Lee Attar have now launched their Academy of Living Intelligence, online and on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada, dedicated to the education, facilitation, and science of healing and the expansion of consciousness. They are devoted to building the Academy as a legacy of Truth for the advancement of humanity. As a student of the Academy you will become a vanguard of embodied truth, representing the evolution of human potential.
The Academy is part of their life-long vision to build a world-renowned healing institution and retreat center as a legacy for future generations to share a greater ripple of our sovereign genius with humanity.
Where Conscious Leaders Learn to Get Out of Their Own Way So They Can Share a Greater Ripple of Their Genius With Humanity Â

Selema Masekela
Sports Media Personality / Entrepreneur
"Throw away any ideas of what meditation or therapy might be. Throw away any sense of expectation. Understand that you are doing something quite daunting in recalibrating how you actually live. If you do that, the joys and growth you can experience are unprecedented and unlimited."

John Graham
3 x USA/World Memory Champion
"I always believed my next levels in life would be reached through mastering my mind. But I was hitting tons of unconscious resistance in this pursuit.
The next levels of expansion are not through use of the mind, but in reducing the ripple of friction and conditioning that was clouding my highest divine destiny.
The Living Immersion Method reveals how to tap into divine flow, feeling it, merging with it, embodying it to make clearer, higher choices while I step into the unknown.
LIM is the most self empowering, expansive "method" I have ever witnessed. It is your next step."

Olive Evans
Embodiment Coach / Academy of Living Intelligence Student
"Would you believe me if I told you that I almost didn’t join this cohort? I had just been told I had bad PCOS and endometriosis with scar tissue all over my uterus and probably internal organs, a high risk of uterine and/or ovarian cancer, would be on HRT for the rest of my life, and was scheduled for a hysterectomy.
So disheartened, I told   and   on a call that I didn’t think it was right for me to join the Academy. It was all too much, I had just come out of a year of emotional trauma and was facing months of physical trauma. And I didn’t think the financial costs would allow me to take this on. They were so compassionate and supportive on the call and I decided to stay. I told myself then, “Life isn’t going to stop. It’s going to keep going and I am going to have to elevate it one way or another.”
LIMFAM, I just left my doctor’s office where I received confirmation (from ultrasounds, scans, and bloodwork) that I am absolutely free of cysts and the buildup of scar tissue on my uterus is completely gone. Completely. My ovaries and uterus are “completely normal and healthy”. My hormones are leveled. My organs are free and clear. I have had ultrasounds throughout these months in the Academy so I knew the cysts were dissipating, but it’s all gone.
I’m in shock. I know it’s because of this work. I needed a win and I’m beyond grateful and humbled.
I need some time in the sun to soak this in but wanted to get on here and share the news. I feel somehow fragile and so free and just so humble. I feel held. And I’m crying in this restaurant."

Dr. Cross.
7-figure Hashimoto's Coach
"You may walk in with certain goals in mind, and I guarantee your entire life will be shifted in a positive direction. The impact is limitless, as I am now forever changed, so will the lives of my husband, children, and clients lives be forever changed. My impact is so much greater, my purpose is so much more powerful. After finishing the program my business sky-rocketed and I enrolled in a Millionaires Alliance club taking my coaching business to the next level!  The ripple effect this will have is mind-blowing to think about."Â

Selema Masekela
Global Sports Media Personality, Entrepreneur
Burton Snowboards, Redbull
"Throw away any ideas of what meditation or therapy might be. Throw away any sense of expectation. Understand that you are doing something quite daunting in recalibrating how you actually live. That is not easy and therefore none of this program is easy. If you do that, the joys you can experience in this are unprecedented and unlimited. Be prepared to cry a lot."

Emma Winterbourn
VP Enterprise, Wife & Mother
"Before LIM I was deeply dysregulated, ungrounded, and forcing my will to create something I wanted so hard. I was exhausted, desperate, unfulfilled, and confused, and although I had achieved all the "things" in life people say are great, I felt empty. I had tried courses, meditations, healers, you name it I did it. I was constantly seeking answers outside of me, but it never felt right. I never felt steady or grounded and I felt I didn't know myself or have any connection to God or Life Force. I was constantly in overdrive, hypervigilant. I. Felt. Broken.
LIM helped me really feel into how to surrender my will, how to loosen my grip of control which was only ever an illusion anyway. It forced me into sovereignty which I never valued before but now see the power of; to turn to myself and allow Life Force to flow through me and open up possibilities that my mind could never have conceived is just ....there are no words.
I've let go of all my other programs, healers and therapies, and also let go of so much forcing. I am moving so much closer to being a vessel of co-creation, to truly feeling that support from life force, and have already seen proof of it in my physical world.
After decades of seeking externally, I've been given the gift of knowing exactly how to communicate with Life Force and ALLOW it to flow through me and create more beauty and abundance in my life than I ever imagined. It feels true. My life will never be the same, in the best way. Honestly this course should be taught to every single child and adult in the world.Â
I felt so supported, so seen, and so honored for the experience I was going through. I felt the genuine care. I reveled in the expert knowledge and the incredible wisdom from both of you. The sessions felt like a transmission of energy that was so sacred, useful, powerful, and drove me to greater depths of both cognitive understanding of the how, and also greater depths of my experiences in immersions."

Adam B.
Luxury Real Estate Entrepreneur
"Before working with Philip, I had lots of unprocessed emotions relating to my childhood; my parent's divorce and insecurities that I developed as a result of creating stories around why my father left me. I had deeply rooted feelings of unworthiness, I’m not good enough, I wasn’t chosen, I wasn’t seen, I wasn’t celebrated, etc.Â
As a result of the somatic work, I began to see patterns with more clarity. I realized that my life’s path, my career in Hollywood, was partially a way to fill the void of not being chosen/celebrated by my father. By associating myself with celebrities, those who are globally celebrated, I created a platform to fill the need I desperately desired.Â
More than anything, I noticed a sense of calm pervading throughout my body as a result of the somatic heart breath. I became aware of the ever-present anxiety that I lived with since I was 5 years old. That was profound. I noticed that I began to hold my energy differently and friends began to feel differently in my presence – women felt safer.
Now my real estate career is on muthafuckin’ FIRE!!! Partnering with one of the largest firms in the industry. My income has gone up exponentially and I’m being celebrated more than EVER in a public way: which is essentially my childhood dream. My life is becoming more easeful. My relationships have deepened.

Ian Hylton.
Creative Fashion Entrepreneur, Ms. Min
"[When considering this program I was thinking...] there’s a lot I could spend my money on to make me feel better, maybe a vacation for one.
But to those that feel the same, I say to you that this has been the greatest personal transformation journey imaginable!Â
A complete reset and the tools to help me redesign the way I look at and honor myself, my life, the wholeness between myself and the Universe."

Stephanie Hughson
8-figure Business Coach
"Before working with Philip, I was experiencing a lot of physical and mental anxiety. I had trouble sleeping and staying asleep. I had a lot of emotional ups and downs on a regular basis. I felt very reactive to most things and I didn't know why. I felt like I was constantly on edge and had to use anxiety medication for just under 10 years to sometimes just get through a normal day and normal tasks. I felt like I was always just making it through the day on autopilot. Logically, I understood myself, my actions, my being. But there was a disconnect in my body.Â
Since then I got off my medication!!!!!!! I no longer am using anxiety medication. It's been about 4 months since I took the medication and I actually have ZERO anxiety... I feel at peace. I feel at home. I trust myself more. I understand the power of a moment on a deeper integrated level. I am able to handle the everyday ups and downs as a coach + entrepreneur with much more grace and centeredness.
IÂ am continually scaling my business to $4Â million in 9 months from a pure place of empowerment and certainty.Â
I feel so supported and expanded working with Philip! The calls are an expansive breath of fresh air. I always feel heard + understood by Philip. I feel safe expressing how I feel and what I need. Working with Philip is like bringing yourself back home. He doesn't do it for you. You don't NEED Philip. But he holds the space for you to bring yourself back to your core.Â

You may not know exactly what it is going to be like, you may not know exactly the transformation that will come out of it.. and that's the point. Lean into the pull. Trust yourself. This work is much deeper than a transaction or a call.
This work will change your experience of life.Â
* All testimonials shared are from clients that worked hard to earn their results. These clients understood that they manifest their own reality by showing up and doing the work necessary to change their own lives. Everyone is different and each individual will have their own unique experience depending on their physical and mental state, personal life experiences, and work ethic. They are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the similar results.