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Every Week Discover How to Heal the Relationship Wounds Holding Your Conscious Business Back From God-led Purpose & Impact

By Mastering a Sovereign Living Immersion & Without Plant Medicines, Breathwork, Therapy, Mindset Coaching or Performative Polarity Practices


Social media as you know is not permanent, not private, and not the best way to stay intimately connected.

Sign up and you will receive 1–2 private weekly letters on how to heal the relationship wounds holding your conscious business back from God-led purpose.

Discover the deeper energetics of how your relationship/marriage struggles are directly related to your God-led embodiment of your creative expression and your success in your conscious business, so you can better serve humanity with your genius.

1:1 CONSULT: Discover how to book private 1:1 consults for embodying your God-led purpose in business/career and relationship work for single men, women, and couples. 

LIVING IMMERSION PROGRAM: Discover how our Living Immersion unlocks your God-led purpose at the DNA level without plant medicines, breathwork, therapy, or coaching.

The HOW to let go let God — A pure sovereign surrender of your body, breath, and mind that unifies with collective suppressed energies to open up clear sight of your blocks and unlock your highest purpose and potential.

PROGRAM DISCOUNTS: Receive exclusive presale discounts on our flagship Living Immersion Method™ program and live monthly workshops only available via email.

We look forward to connecting.

Philip & Amanda-Lee Attar


Selema Masekela
Sports Media Personality / Entrepreneur

Throw away any ideas of what meditation or therapy might be. Throw away any sense of expectation. Understand that you are doing something quite daunting in recalibrating how you actually live. If you do that, the joys and growth you can experience are unprecedented and unlimited."

 Olive Evans
Somatic Practitioner
Academy of Living Intelligence Student
Atlanta, Georgia

Would you believe me if I told you that I almost didn’t join this cohort? I had just been told I had bad PCOS and endometriosis with scar tissue all over my uterus and probably internal organs, a high risk of uterine and/or ovarian cancer, would be on HRT for the rest of my life, and was scheduled for a hysterectomy.

So disheartened, I told and on a call that I didn’t think it was right for me to join the Academy. It was all too much, I had just come out of a year of emotional trauma and was facing months of physical trauma. And I didn’t think the financial costs would allow me to take this on. They were so compassionate and supportive on the call and I decided to stay. I told myself then, “Life isn’t going to stop. It’s going to keep going and I am going to have to elevate it one way or another.”

LIMFAM, I just left my doctor’s office where I received confirmation (from ultrasounds, scans, and bloodwork) that I am absolutely free of cysts and the buildup of scar tissue on my uterus is completely gone. Completely. My ovaries and uterus are “completely normal and healthy”. My hormones are leveled. My organs are free and clear. I have had ultrasounds throughout these months in the Academy so I knew the cysts were dissipating, but it’s all gone.

I’m in shock. I know it’s because of this work. I needed a win and I’m beyond grateful and humbled.

I need some time in the sun to soak this in but wanted to get on here and share the news. I feel somehow fragile and so free and just so humble. I feel held. And I’m crying in this restaurant. 😹"

John Graham
3 x USA Memory Champion

I always believed my next levels in life would be reached through mastering my mind. But I was hitting tons of unconscious resistance in this pursuit.

The next levels of expansion are not through use of the mind, but in reducing the ripple of friction and conditioning that was clouding my highest divine destiny.

The Living Immersion Method reveals how to tap into divine flow, feeling it, merging with it, embodying it to make clearer, higher choices while I step into the unknown.

LIM is the most self empowering, expansive "method" I have ever witnessed. It is your next step."

  Sign up and join thousands of visionary leaders in our free weekly newsletter + learn about how to book private 1:1 consults, Living Immersion programs & special email only discounts

Lisa Berkowitz
Executive Embodiment Coach

"We are accessing something so true, so eternal, and finally in a way that is not just glimpsed, but embodied and radiated in a sustainable way.

Emma Winterbourn
VP Enterprise, Wife & Mother 

"Before Somatic Heart and now LIM I was deeply dysregulated, ungrounded, and forcing my will to create something I wanted so hard. I was exhausted, desperate, unfulfilled, and confused, and although I had achieved all the "things" in life people say are great, I felt empty. I had tried courses, meditations, healers, you name it I did it. I was constantly seeking answers outside of me, but it never felt right. I never felt steady or grounded and I felt I didn't know myself or have any connection to God or Life Force. I was constantly in overdrive, hypervigilant. I. Felt. Broken.

LIM helped me really feel into how to surrender my will, how to loosen my grip of control which was only ever an illusion anyway. It forced me into sovereignty which I never valued before but now see the power of; to turn to myself and allow Life Force to flow through me and open up possibilities that my mind could never have conceived is just ....there are no words.

I've let go of all my other programs, healers and therapies, and also let go of so much forcing. I am moving so much closer to being a vessel of co-creation, to truly feeling that support from life force, and have already seen proof of it in my physical world.

After decades of seeking externally, I've been given the gift of knowing exactly how to communicate with Life Force and ALLOW it to flow through me and create more beauty and abundance in my life than I ever imagined. It feels true. My life will never be the same, in the best way. Honestly this course should be taught to every single child and adult in the world. 

I felt so supported, so seen, and so honored for the experience I was going through. I felt the genuine care. I reveled in the expert knowledge and the incredible wisdom from both of you. The sessions felt like a transmission of energy that was so sacred, useful, powerful, and drove me to greater depths of both cognitive understanding of the how, and also greater depths of my experiences in immersions."

Carol-Anne Besler
Intuitive Astrologer

LIM is simplicity, intuitive, and without words. I've spent years in and out of practicing a subset of what you're teaching, but it felt more like I was mining or seeking the resistance/tension within, deliberately 'excavating' it as though it were a project. I stopped doing that but did not segway into a richer more present practice until LIM. LIM is a coming home. Very electric like my body is reconnecting with all its parts - wholeness. So much emotion has been awakened all throughout my body, and I look forward to my daily immersions.

Philip and Amanda-lee are genuine, salt of the earth kind of people with a vast embodiment of that which they teach. They're pioneers for this next wave of expanding consciousness - 'spirituality', that humanity is moving into. It's grounded, practical, profound and simple, can be applied immediately, doesn't need more workshops or money thrown at it - once you truly Know the Living Immersion Method, you are on your own. One doesn't rely upon or answer to another, just their own sovereignty and personal unfolding. Amanda-lee and Philip are the leaders of today and for the many decades to come - they support you in supporting yourself, so you can set yourself free from your own conditioning.

If you're all out of seeking, all out of searching for the next fix, guru, workshop, therapist, healer, life coach, and feel ready to move into and face the very roots within of that which you feel you've needed healing/help for, LIM will help take you there."

Nick Smith
New Zealand

Before LIM I faced challenging cycles in my relationship despite having a strong awareness and learned many tools previously. Progress was being made but was slow and both parties were experiencing hurt in the meantime.

Weeks later, I have never felt more connected to myself. The benefits of LIM have been numerous. More awareness in the moment during previously triggering situations. I eat healthier without feeling I'm sacrificing simply because I can feel how poor food affects my energy. And I also felt into what I previously would have called anxiety using this method and feel the most at peace with it I have ever felt. I do not fear it, put it that way after a profound LIM experience during the course.

Once you know the power of this connection you cannot un-know it.

LIM feels like intense, full-body waves of energy, to light buzzing, to a subtle connection to Life Force when navigating your day-to-day, which results in a feeling of assuredness through all things that arise.

Philip and Amanda-Lee complement each other perfectly. Amanda-Lee provides a beautiful example of living from source as does Philip, however the gift Philip brings is his articulate and illustrative explanations and analogies to help you understand things more easily.

This has been the single most empowering practice and learnings I have ever experienced after trying many modalities throughout my life. I will use LIM daily for life, it is that powerful. What could be more powerful than learning to connect to and embody your own divine expression of Life Force?"

Mina R.
Global Financial Advisor

This method changes you from the inside out, you become the highest, purest version of yourself. You realign with your own connection to everything that is God. You learn to laugh in the face of anything that you no longer resonate with. You tap into your own power, there is no denying how much you can change, that the people around you may not recognize you or want to know the real new you.

You finally become clear and everything makes sense even when you don't have all the answers. You are confident, you have no fear, you are real but so not real anymore.

This method changes your relationship with self, loved ones, social status, all aspects of your existence, all without ego. You feel things more and feel less at the same time, you want to do more for your self and you also have time for your loved ones, you have the time to do everything you want, you learn about the things that matter to you, you fall in love with yourself and so your life can really begin.

You realize the things and patterns of your former self that have had you bound, all restricting your movement and voice, these things have no hold over you anymore, you are freed from what held you so tightly and your heart opens.

I recall sitting down for my first Zoom day, which I barely had time for, which I barely made, and I recall Philip saying, take a note of how you are feeling this very moment. I recall how I felt, and that person simply does not exist anymore."

Gayle D.
Retired 8-fig Tech Entrepreneur

"There is powerful positive energy, compassion, knowledge, and love that you will feel all around you. Philip is an extremely good communicator, mentor & coach. He takes the complex and brings clarity to it as well as simplicity.

You will not find a better source or program, you will gain more than you can imagine. I have taken many a course, with many different teachers, including an executive coach for 15 years. I’ve gained more from this program than anything else I’ve done. Game changer as you walk away with a process you can use for a lifetime. A process that will open your heart to receive and give the love we are born with, learn to deal with any trauma and free your mind to creativity we all need more of. Being a part of the program was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I didn’t have to think long about joining. I only needed to listen to Philip’s approach to life to understand this was a fantastic fit for me.”

  Sign up and join thousands of visionary leaders in our free weekly newsletter + learn about how to book private 1:1 consults, Living Immersion programs & special email only discounts