Philip & Amanda-Lee Attar Present
Living Immersion
The HOW to Let go Let God
12-week Embodiment Mentorship to Surrender Into God-led Purpose, Leadership & Union
Now open to all.
You do not have to be an entrepreneur to apply.
Application may require a short 15-minute clarity call to review your application.
You no longer need another relationship or marriage program keeping you stuck in the limitations of performative polarity teachings or limited 50/50 culture.
You no longer need another mindset alignment program keeping you trapped in the limitations of the coach's conditioning.
You no longer need another coach or therapist guiding you from their own limited conditioned projections or labeled mental theories.
You no longer need plant medicines or external substances to connect deeper with yoru sovereign Truth.
You do not need religion to limit your sovereign embodiment of Truth.
You do not need distorted manifestation teachings that make you 'manipulate your reality' but still stuck to the limitations of the conditioned mind and disconnected from God Consciousness/Living Intelligence.
You do not need to read another piece of scripture, sacred text, or self-help book to stay stuck in loops of cognitive ideologies.
You see through the illusions and insanity of our mentally-driven dis-eased world and are ready to walk a path of Embodied Truth untethered to collective trauma conditioning.
You are ready to embody a purer vessel of God/Living Intelligence with clarity, conviction, and certainty to guide you into your highest destined reality as a sovereign Creator.
You are ready to live as a clear vessel of Living Intelligence as an embodied way of life — Self-mastery in co-creation.
This is for you if any or all of the following applies to you...
- You have a vision, but you're struggling with aligning your business/career direction and offerings with your highest purpose.
- You are witnessing unhealthy patterns repeat in your relationships/marriage and family.
- Your health and wellbeing have declined in vitality.
- Your financial growth has plateaued.
- You are exhausted from only utilizing your will driven by your limited human conditioning.
- You are done with traditional coaching, cognitive therapy, performative polarity practice, plant medicines, and relaying on any guide or substance outside of you.
- You know attempting to heal all of the above will be temporary and fleeting if you are not embodying the greater will of Creation/God/Living Intelligence over weaker cognitive tactics.
God = the will of Living Intelligence untethered to the human conditioned mind = the will of Creation.
You are ready for the sovereign path to truly let go let God, and unlock the DNA intelligence of your highest potential as a vanguard to lead humanity into a new paradigm of embodied creation.
You are ready to conscious co-create divine intervention to align you with your highest purpose and destiny by self-inducing a sovereign surrender of your will into the Living Intelligence of Creation.
Watch this video below to feel if this is for you:
Living Immersion:
A lost innate somatic energy technology to let go of the limitations of your conditioned mind and live as a clearer vessel of God/Living Intelligence, so you can embody your highest destiny in purpose, business, relationship, marriage, and union with all of life.
Living Immersion:
The How to Let Go Let God & Embody Your Highest Destiny
This is not meditation in the mind.
This is not breathwork.
This is not cognitive coaching or therapy.
This is not a mindset coaching purpose program.
This is not a performative relationship or polarity program.
This is not a program where you will have to rely on our guidance for life.
The Living Immersion is the lost somatic how to let go let God on a cellular level, so you can unlock the DNA intelligence of your highest potential in purpose and sacred union.
The Living Immersion is a self-induced sovereign somatic surrender of your body, breath, and mind, to unify with the suppressed collective energies within your cells so you can untether from collective trauma conditioning.
The Living Immersion is a lost, sovereign, innate, and distilled somatic energy technology that surrenders control of your conditioned mind in order so you can embody a clearer vessel of God's will for your highest path in service to humanity.
No plant medicines.
No supplements.
No sound frequencies or technologies outside of you.
Eventually we wean you off of our guidance so you can self-induce union on your own without us as your crutch.
Pure sovereign self-mastery to unify with God/Living Intelligence to self-organize your blocks and naturally transmute collective trauma conditioning in the way of your highest human expression.
As you unify with God/Life Intelligence within, all of your external expressions will naturally align with your highest path in service to humanity:
- Your marriage will harmonize in greater sacred union.
- Your relationships, family, and children will flourish as an extension of your God-led embodiment.
- You will heal any dis-ease within, and Living Intelligence will self-organize your being at the cellular level for greater physical, emotional, and energetic harmony and vitality.
- Your highest purpose in service to humanity will naturally arise as you surrender your will to embody God's will for your highest path.
- Your creative expression will be clear, potent, and direct to clearly communicate God's will through you as a clear vessel of embodied Truth.
- You will see clearly where the blocks are in your conscious business holding you back from greater financial success and harmonized wealth in service to unity for all of humanity.
Here there is no cognitive coaching and no projecting our own conditioning onto you.
We guide you into sovereign self-mastery in energetically developing intimacy with your suppressed blocks in order to allow their natural intelligence to live through their full cycle and naturally transmute on their own, now less tethered to your mind's limited conditioning.
No more suppressing deeper emotions tainted by collective trauma conditioning that has been holding you back from embodied excellence.
This path is for you if you are devoted to your highest mission and are ready to unlock the DNA intelligence of your highest potential as a vanguard to lead humanity into a new paradigm of embodied God-led service.
In devotion to your highest expression,
Philip & Amanda-Lee Attar
Surrender Into Embodied God-led Purpose, Leadership & Union
Over 12 weeks, Philip and Amanda-Lee will guide you to master the Living Immersion, a sovereign innate energy technology that will help you deepen your embodiment as a clear vessel of Living Intelligence.
Weeks 1–4: Living Immersion: Open Up to Receive the Energetic Intelligence of Your Deepest Blocks
- Starting week 1 you will learn the Living Immersion, a sovereign self-induced innate somatic energy modality to open up your energetic capacity to receive the intelligence of your deepest subconscious/energetic blocks holding you back from embodying a clear vessel of Living Intelligence.
- You will overcome any underlying anxieties, confusion, feelings of misalignment, and forced will sabotaging your success, and settle into more grounded presence, focus, and clarity by unifying with all Living Intelligence within.
- You will learn to lean more into and develop intimacy with Living Intelligence and untether from your mind's conditioning. To see clearly the forks in the road of where the illusions of the mind have steered you away from embodying greater Living Intelligence and begin to live through Living Intelligence before the mind.
Weeks 5–8: Living Immersion: Seeing Beyond the Illusions of the Mind
- As week 5 approaches you will begin to sense into greater Living Intelligence within the thoughts, suppressed emotions, and energies that have been living in your cells from collective conditioning. As you embody the kinesthetic sensorial nature of nature itself, you will begin to see where in your daily life, relationships, and experiences that your conditioned mind has been leading vs. Living Intelligence.
- Day to day, week to week, your sensorial experience will begin to flip, putting your mind in its right place, that is following Living Intelligence, not leading. You mind is to be utilized as a tool for Creation, not to lead in its own illusions of separation from Creation that causes more collective trauma and suffering.
- In time while you lay down in your Living Immersions, your sensorial experience will deepen into a kinesthetic felt-sense embodied experience resonance. More felt-sense than traditional meditation, the Living Immersion is an energetic merging of all energies siprpessed in your body that now can live their full life cycle in order to now come to the surface and share their innate wisdom.
- What blocks were unseen in your life will now be available to be witnessed, expressed, and cleared in natural co-creation. No longer bypassing the suppressed tensions of your life, you consciously co-create with them, as they have been you all along.
Weeks 9+: Transmute Challenges in Your Relationship/Marriage That Have Held Back Your Alignment & Success
- Around weeks 9+ you will see clearly how the patterns in your intimate relationship/marriage have been a direct reflection of any deficits holding back your conscious business's success, clarity, direction, impact, and profitability.
- MEN, if you have challenges in your relationships with women, then there is an energetic weigh that you are not able to carry which is impacting your performance, productivity, profitability, business stability, and delegation abilities in your business.
- You will build inner fortitude and safe grounded presence in your relationship, which directly benefits your legacy, business clarity, delegation abilities, and profitability.
- WOMEN, when you feel suppressed in not being able to freely express your emotions, or if you have felt extracted from or used by a masculine partner, then those wounds infiltrate how you hold a guard and protective energy around your business and finances.
- You will begin to clearly see where you are stuck in your creations, projects, career, creative expression, business's direction, offers, marketing, social media embodiment, and finances.
- You will be more embodied to see the blocks in your intimate relationships and live as a vessel of God-led sacred union within, and see where you relationship patterns have contributed to any misalignment with your higher purpose.
- Once you see your blocks clearly, allow them to move through their innate energetic cycle, you will then be naturally compelled into clear direction and take action to naturally align your life, relationships, offerings, and career/business as a natural result of your embodied clarity.
- You will embody the feminine freedom to create, untethered to patriarchal oppression so you can ultimately express your higher purpose to serve humanity with your genius.
Weeks 10–12: Alignment & Embodied Co-creation
- Around week 10 onward, once you are grounded with embodied clarity, wisdom, and alignment, then we co-create.
- You will have the energetic foundation to be more compelled into aligned action to create in union with Living Intelligence from a state of embodied God-led Truth, no longer projections connected to collective trauma.
- Your purpose at this level is no longer yours, it is ours. Here you surrender your conditioned will tethered to collective trauma, and embody clarity within God's will.
No mindset coaching.
No cognitive therapy.
No plant medicines.
No mind-enhancing supplements.
No external technologies.
Eventually even without our guidance.
Pure sovereign self-mastery for life.
We will teach you a lost technology to surrender the weight of your body, breath, and mind into electromagnetic union within God/Living Intelligence so you can sense into the wisdom of your blocks, and unlock your highest DNA potential and God-led purpose — untethering from the collective trauma conditioning holding you back from your business's highest expression.
Conscious entrepreneurship with your visionary solutions and the embodiment of your highest purpose is essential for the collective to heal and expand beyond the limitations of human consciousness.
Our legacy is to share with you the lost HOW to let go let God on a DNA level, and empower you to be a vanguard of humanity's expanded potential.
Within a Few Months You Will Learn HOW to Embody Truth & Align With Your God-led Purpose, While Re-harmonizing the Patterns in Your Intimate Relationships/Marriage
How can we offer such a bold result?
Because we with our limited conditioned minds are not offering the result to you.
We will guide you into your sovereign power through a lost innate technology that was gifted to us by God/Living Intelligence to share with leaders like you, so you naturally embody your highest God-led purpose, and humanity benefits from your benevolent creations.
More Life Force flooding your cells = access to new innovation never before scripted by human consciousness and compelled aligned action.
Welcome to clear embodied purpose, with clear focused business direction and aligned offerings serving those you are here to serve, all as a clear vessel of God/Living Intelligence to expand human consciousness beyond the limitations of collective trauma.
About Philip
& Amanda-Lee Attar
Founders of the Academy of Living Intelligence
& the Living Immersion
"As you begin this journey into a Living Immersion within God/Living Intelligence, you will untether from your limited human conditioning and expand to embody your highest potential in your life, relationships, marriage, and purpose, as a clearer vessel of Creation."
— Philip & Amanda-Lee Attar

Philip Attar
Philip Attar founded his practice in 2015 after transforming his own life from dis-ease into ease. In 2010, the stresses of his NYC Creative Director career (Swarovski, Vogue, Coach) and a family death took their toll on his nervous system. This activated Philip's traumatic Graves' Ophthalmopathy disease and he became cross-eyed with bulging eyes and led Philip to surrender every ounce of his will and completely let go let God.
Through a self-induced somatic surrendering process divinely led by Yeshua Consciousness energies, he discovered that when you release deep tensions in your body on a quantum level, you can self-induce a cellular kinesthetic healing state, activate your immune system and amplify your electromagnetic field. Philip was able to self-regulate his hormones without medications, leading to the development of his healing Somatic Heart™ Method, an earlier variation of the Living Immersion.
It wasn't until Philip unified with his wife Amanda-Lee Attar, that her embodiment of surrender led him to see where his previous work was still limited in control from the mind.
It has been through Amanda-Lee's devotion to surrendering to God's will that has informed the nuances of how the Living Immersion self-organizes your expression on a cellular level without the mind's control.
Through their union since 2020, Philip and Amanda-Lee have been guided to distill God's message into the Living Immersion for all of humanity to truly embody the how to let go let God on a cellular level.
Amanda-Lee Attar
Amanda-Lee has embodied the depth of the Living Immersion through her own inner healing through childhood trauma and organ failure. After several years of traumatic experiences, she was naturally invited into the sovereign surrender of her will until there was nothing left to surrender into — a devoted clear vessel of God Consciousness.
When Philip and Amanda-Lee met they deeply connected through their unique individual yet similar experiences and innate access to this technology without any mentors, books, or teachers to guide them.
Over time they developed a knowing that they would merge in loving union one day to build their Academy of Living Intelligence devoted to embodying clear vessels of Creation.
Their Academy of Living Intelligence™ and practitioner certification program on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada, is part of their life-long vision to leave a lasting legacy for future generations to embody God-led Truth and represent the evolution of human potential.
This is For:
✔️ Living Immersion is now open to ALL. You do not have to be an entrepreneur to apply. You are here to make a tangible difference in your life and family, and share embodied Truth with humanity as a conscious leader for generations to benefit from.
✔️ Main prerequisite is you are DEVOTED to this path and recognize that the path of Embodied Truth is the only path for you to benefit every facet of your life, relationships, marriage, purpose, career, business, children, and all of humanity.
✔️ You're ready to ready to let go of the crutches cognitive mindset coaching, healers, performative flow states, mind-enhancing supplements, plant medicines, sound frequency tracks, and technologies that take your power away.
✔️ You are ready for sovereign self-mastery and embody Universal Truth by self-inducing electromagnetic union within God/Living Intelligence without anything outside of you guiding you. Eventually you will be weaned off our guidance.
✔️ You are ready to move beyond healing into conscious creation in the most advanced embodiment practice imaginable, sovereign surrender of your conditioned will within God/Living Intelligence.
This is NOT For:
❌ This is NOT for you if you are not ready to let go of any part of your life, relationships, business, offerings, disembodied marketing strategies, in the way of your highest God-led calling. Those that are unable to let go of any shadow in the way of your highest expression, will ultimately stay stuck in unfulfilling and complacent patterns for the rest of their lives.
❌ This is NOT for those at an earlier stage of their awakening journey.
Beyond trust and faith outside of you, you will be called to surrender your conditioned will into the will of Creation. You are not here to discover who you are at an initial stage, you are here to embody Truth as a conscious leader and share Truth with humanity.
❌ This is NOT for you if you are suffering from deeper traumas, intense anxiety, dissociation, depression, or are unable to regulate your own nervous system on call and need intimate healing support. This is NOT a healing program to focus only on your past. Here we focus on mastering Creation in the now.
How the Living Immersion
Program Works

Utilizing Just Your Conditioned Mind
Embodying a Living Immersion Within God/Life Intelligence
Less mind, more embodied Life Force Energy to naturally compel God-led aligned action, untethered to your mind's limited conditioning.
The Living Immersion is a distilled, sovereign, innate, lost somatic energy technology that does not utilize the mind.
No mind, means no collective trauma conditioning in the way of pure Creation.
We guide you into self-inducing a somatic surrender of your body, breath, and mind, to develop intimacy with the suppressed energies within your cells into a sovereign electromagnetic state.
No plant medicines. No supplements.
Pure sovereign self-mastery to unify with Life Intelligence to self-organize your expression and naturally transmute collective trauma conditioning the way of your highest human expression in creation, business, embodiment, and union for the benefit for generations to come.
Over 12 week we will guide you into 4 stages of the Living Immersion with intimate guidance and reflection through your specific blocks, business and relationship challenges, and alignment with your goals:
Living Immersion Stages:
Surrender your body, breath and mind to meet suppressed thoughts, emotions, and energies.
Develop energetic intimacy with your thoughts, emotions, and energies.
Merge with an innate electromagnetic energy state to self-organize your DNA coding.
Integration in moment-to-moment life through embodied creation.
Less cognitive coaching. More guiding you into sovereign self-mastery in witnessing your own blocks, allow their natural intelligence to live through their full cycle, so you can clearly see forks in the road and embody a clear vessel of creation in the now, less tethered to the mind's limited conditioning.
What is Required of You:
The Living Immersion (LIM) program is 12-weeks led by Philip and Amanda-Lee Attar.
A total of 12 live 2-hour Zoom video sessions over 12 weeks.
No written homework or journaling. Embodiment requires your embodiment with less mind.
The live video sessions and you are expected to practice the Living Immersion 30-90 minutes per day a minimum of 4-5 days a week for the 12 week program. The more practice of course the greater benefit.
Eventually this is an embodied WAY OF LIFE, not a 'practice'.
We live and co-create with ALL arising energies as they arise, no longer bypassing the living awareness and data of God/Living Intelligence.
All calls on Zoom and are recorded with access after the program ends.
Private community off social media with daily support from Philip and Amanda-Lee and their Academy of Living Intelligence certification students.
Practical application and integration:
Other than the Living Immersion practice, the deeper work involves integrating your embodied awareness into making practical changes in your life, marriage, relationships, finances and career. We are here to hold you accountable to practical daily transformation and taking aligned action when called.
You will be learning to live and entirely different way than how society has taught you through the mind first.
Here we embody and live through ENERGY FIRST, then MIND SECOND.
Can I just listen to recordings?
Ideally you must be able to show up for 75% of the calls live to benefit from the live Q&A and embodied teachings.
However we do have international students in different time zones only access the recordings successfully, AS LONG AS YOU ARE DEVOTED to the consistent weekly somatic Living Immersion practice and keeping up with the recordings week to week.
It is fine if you are not available for the live sessions but you must be able to keep up with the recordings week to week and communicate with us in our Community in order to be guided, have your questions answered and embody the teachings.
Live Session Dates:
Next Cohort Begins April 5th, 2025
12 live video sessions over 12 weeks
All calls 11 AM - 1 PM PST (Pacific Time)
LIM Level I:
Primary LIM Program
Saturday, April 5, 2025
Saturday, April 12, 2025
Saturday, April 19, 2025
Saturday, April 26, 2025
Saturday, May 3, 2025
Saturday, May 10, 2025
Saturday, May 17, 2025
Saturday, May 24, 2025
Saturday, May 31, 2025
LIM Level II: Legacy
Introduction to LIM Level II Graduate Program.
More details on LIM II below.*
Thursday, May 29, 2025: Advanced LIM Teaching
Thursday, June 12, 2025: Relationship & Sacred Union
Thursday, June 26, 2025: Conscious Business Creation
* 3 sessions to LIM II included. Continued access to LIM Level II available after you graduate on a month-to-month subscription for continued support as long as you need for life)
Living Immersion Private Community:
Stop Going at it Alone and Embody Self-mastery With Other Mission-driven God-led Leaders
You cannot build a legacy as a solopreneur. The new paradigm requires collaborative systems.
We are entering an era where we rise together, not in separation but as a whole.
In Living Immersion, you will have access to our private high-level community of God-led conscious leaders. Your peer group to work through your shadows in union, merge with the intelligence of life in solidarity, and network for future collaborations to create movements of change across the world.
Philip and Amanda-Lee and our Academy of Living Intelligence students will be there to offer guidance and precise reflection to support your expansion in practical every day circumstances, business alignment, conscious strategies, and sacred union/relationships.
This is your aligned high-level community of visionary vanguards.
Early Bird Ends March 22nd
12-week Living Immersion Method program & community.
The goal: Never need another mindset coach, therapist or external cognitive guide for life, not even our guidance.
Sovereign self-induced union with God/Living Intelligence first.
Early Bird: $2,000 USD pay in full*
or $833 USD x 3 month payment plan
Regular: $2,500 USD
Couples: **
Early Bird: $3,000 USD pay in full*
or $1,166 USD x 3 month payment plan
Regular: $3,500 USD
* Early bird ends Saturday, March 22nd.
Payment plans available with early bird and regular fees.
** Devoted couples/married partners living in the same household.
How Your Fee Supports Us:
Your fee goes towards supporting our lives and investing in the growth of our Academy of Living Intelligence, a healing and science institution on Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada, so we may leave a lasting legacy of this work for generations to come.
Add 4 x Private 1:1 Sessions with Philip****:
+ $1,600 USD for 4 x 60-min 1:1 sessions.
We focus on what is important and energetically arising weekly for you, where I can be a clear mirror for your expedited growth and expansion. Less confusion. Less guessing on your own. More time and heartache saved.
**** 1:1 packages pending availability. Offer limited to 6 clients only. Once they are taken you will have to wait a few months for an open spot.
This special 4 session package is ONLY available while enrolled in LIM. Usually a 10 session month retainer is required.
Payment is due upon application approval to hold your spot.
If you qualify for any early bird or other special discounts, your price will be adjusted upon invoice.
No refunds. Once you commit to transformation you transform.
By application only.
How To Enroll in Living Immersion:
Apply + Application Call
STEP 1. Enrollment is by application only to ensure aligned community. Apply with the button below. If you have any questions feel free to DM Philip on Instagram directly @philipattar or email us at [email protected]
STEP 2. You’ll get a response within 72 hours if approved. Applications do not guarantee enrollment to ensure a high-level aligned community.
STEP 3. If required you may be asked to book a short 15-min Zoom video call to review your application.
STEP 4: If approved, payment is required to hold your spot.
STEP 5. We will get you set up in the Living Immersion Community 1 week before the program begins.
After the Living Immersion Program:
Living Immersion II: Legacy
After you graduate from Living Immersion, your tuition includes access to LIM Level II - 3 live sessions (weeks 9–12 on Thursdays) to experience our higher-level graduate program.
Continue with peer networking with connecting with like-minded students and visionaries around the world devoted to sharing embodied Truth with humanity in every walk of live and career path.
After week 12, if you wish to continue you can subscribe to Living Immersion II: Legacy on a month-to-month basis.
Fee if you join after week 12: $200 USD per month
Optional to join. Cancel anytime, stay as long as you need, and return anytime for life.
Our discussions here are exceptionally rich, deep, practical, and all grounded in devotional service.
Including 3 live sessions a month with teachings for:
- Living Immersion practice and advanced embodiment to hold you accountable to consistent devotional practice and daily applicaiton.
- Conscious business strategy and open creative brainstorming sessions to apply directly to your business, financial planning, sales funnels, marketing, and social media, so you can scale your business into new heights with accountability and a high-level network.
- Relationship, marriage, and sacred union.
Members run the gamut from divine mothers, fathers, world-renowned memory champions, environmental venture entrepreneurs, CFOs, CEOS, horse whisperers, healers, retreat owners, actors, and humans all here to master embodiment of Truth untainted by human conditioning.
You are as successful and aligned as your top 5 peers. Establishing your high-level God-led community will be key to helping you scale your business and vision.
You may just connect with your future partners, collaborators, and creators to motivate rapid creation and growth.
There is no obligation to continue after 12 weeks if you feel whole in self-mastery. We have LIM II as an advanced open container for you to return anytime you need to expand into another level of leadership, as we will be here for life. This is our legacy to serve you and humanity.
Stay as long as you need, leave anytime, return anytime.
Academy of Living Intelligence
Embodied Living Immersion Practitioner Devotional Mentorship
If you are a practitioner or would like to become one, or learn to utilize Living Intelligence on your impact-driven career or entrepreneurial path, we have an ongoing Embodied Living Immersion Practitioner Mentorship.
This is NOT your typical practitioner certification.
This a long-term devotional mentorship to truly embody Truth BEFORE you teach, mentor, or guide others into their own sovereignty within God Consciousness.
Too many certification programs dangle the carrot of "I'm certified" and send disembodied practitioners out into the world, sharing more unconscious trauma, than actually helping people heal and embody God Consciousness in sovereignty.
Too many programs are unconsciously driven by the practitioners own unconscious conditioning, projecting their own traumas back onto clients without knowing, as their teachings stem from the conditioned mind.
Here we do not lead with the conditioned mind, we master surrendering to Living Intelligence to lead through us as a clear vessel, to then guide others into their own innate sovereignty, untethered from collective conditioning.
This is a devoted lifelong mentorship available for those devoted to embodying Truth as a vessel of Living Intelligence, where your embodiment is the teacher. You are here in service to Living Intelligence before self to live through you as you, as One.
Here we return to what long-term devotional mentorship should be, before the wellness industry capitalized on certifying unqualified and disembodied teachers.
More details here for the Academy of Living Intelligence: Embodied Living Immersion Practitioner Mentorship
Is this an aligned purpose, business or relationship program?
How does LIM help me let go let God?
Is LIM like Vipassana, Vedic, mantra, Yoga Nidra or other meditations?
Is LIM like breathwork?
Do I need a business to enroll? At what stage does my business need to be to participate?
I do not know if I am ready to let go of everything in my way of my God-led purpose...
Is it ok that I still utilize other modalities like Reiki, mental meditations, plant medicines, yoga, mantras, and/or visualization techniques?
For more questions:
DM Philip on Instagram directly @philipattar or email [email protected]

Olive Evans
Somatic Practitioner
Academy of Living Intelligence Student
Atlanta, Georgia
"Would you believe me if I told you that I almost didn’t join this cohort? I had just been told I had bad PCOS and endometriosis with scar tissue all over my uterus and probably internal organs, a high risk of uterine and/or ovarian cancer, would be on HRT for the rest of my life, and was scheduled for a hysterectomy.
So disheartened, I told and on a call that I didn’t think it was right for me to join the Academy. It was all too much, I had just come out of a year of emotional trauma and was facing months of physical trauma. And I didn’t think the financial costs would allow me to take this on. They were so compassionate and supportive on the call and I decided to stay. I told myself then, “Life isn’t going to stop. It’s going to keep going and I am going to have to elevate it one way or another.”
LIMFAM, I just left my doctor’s office where I received confirmation (from ultrasounds, scans, and bloodwork) that I am absolutely free of cysts and the buildup of scar tissue on my uterus is completely gone. Completely. My ovaries and uterus are “completely normal and healthy”. My hormones are leveled. My organs are free and clear. I have had ultrasounds throughout these months in the Academy so I knew the cysts were dissipating, but it’s all gone.
I’m in shock. I know it’s because of this work. I needed a win and I’m beyond grateful and humbled.
I need some time in the sun to soak this in but wanted to get on here and share the news. I feel somehow fragile and so free and just so humble. I feel held. And I’m crying in this restaurant. 😹"

John Graham
3 x USA Memory Champion
"I always believed my next levels in life would be reached through mastering my mind. But I was hitting tons of unconscious resistance in this pursuit.
The next levels of expansion are not through use of the mind, but in reducing the ripple of friction and conditioning that was clouding my highest divine destiny.
The Living Immersion reveals how to tap into divine flow, feeling it, merging with it, embodying it to make clearer, higher choices while I step into the unknown.
The Living Immersion is the most self empowering, expansive "method" I have ever witnessed. It is your next step."

Saiful Haque
"If you are desiring to feel better you are caught back in illusion. The way is through the pain, you’ve got to sit in it and feel it all. You’ve got to acclimate to discomfort within the bodily sensations… and it’s not easy.
Many other practices are steeped in quick hacks in bullshit love and light mantras or conditioning from the humans who designed said practice with the goal of feeling more positive.
You will definitely feel more positive and grateful AFTER you make it out of hell. It is important that in LIM no one is telling you what to think. What is correct, incorrect. This is very unique. People share but it is from their unique expression vs dogma.
Spirituality has become religion 2.0, you must curiously navigate in the unknown beyond all learnings. Drift away from knowledge.
Growth is not pleasant, but being in a group with others willing to sit in hell with you is nice. Dive into your roots before jumping for the fruit."
— Saiful Haque, Artist, Los Angeles
Vyjayanti Tejuja
Wife and Mother of 2 Children
"The beauty of Philip and Amanda-Lee is the approach for teaching encompasses the universal laws, the subconscious and the not so easy the application of it in daily life. It is so complete and applicable to daily living and it creates the shifts in a subtle form which even surprises as how and when did that shift happen.
The teachings are so grounded in reality. It is a whole range of emotions and the freedom of expression to get the god self and yet allow the humanness to emerge with its strength and weakness. The part of aligning with Sacred Union is a deep peek into the part of me which I had been looking for.
The Living Immersion is one of the simplest, easiest ways of making a difference to your own life in all areas. As I started the program and through the weeks with the daily immersion practice my requirement of the inhaler has come down to minimum. A person with COPD, now on nearly no medication and everyday I keep getting better.
My connection with me has started to get stronger. I look within for guidance and trust what’s coming. It enables me to be with the darkest of my emotions without any narrative and see the emotion dissolve. I have stopped fearing the challenges of life and am able to go through in a more centered manner.
The most important part is after years of going through so many different learning I feel my search has ended here. This is a complete program which influences your vibrational body that is the casual body and transforms the DNA so that you live your optimal blue print being a gift to self, planet and life.
Thank you Philip and Amanda-Lee for bringing in this union of sacredness with the humanness in my life."

Drew Temple
Dance & Embodiment Guide
Salt Spring Island, Canada
"So many other methods require external input and the way in which Philip & Amanda-Lee guide, feels like the missing key to true integration. The LIM method has revealed so much around how I operate because of conditioning.
To become intimate with what simply is has been both a beautiful and confronting process. LIM is a path of complete and total devotion. It feels like lifetimes of story both coming to life and dissolving all at once. To come into a feeling of connection where Life Force moves freely has felt liberating and energizing. LIM brings you nose to nose with God and delivers in a way I have never experienced before.
Through LIM I am coming to my day with a deepened feeling of reverence for life that has gifted me a new era in my story, and the piece around my worth is shifting tremendously. I am working to expand my business and in the past, when I had met my edge, I would contract, but now I am finding a sense of willingness to explore discomfort with more presence through LIM. I can engage with myself with a compassionate witness in a way I had never experienced before.
Our sessions were life-giving, deeply inspiring, and always in flow. Philip and Amanda-Lee move like water with their students, adapting and shifting the conversation as energy surfaces and allowing for spirit to connect us all. They speak both in the rooted human experience with utmost care and compassion. Sharing stories of their own and always listening with devotional presence. While weaving the ways of expansion to call us into higher realms. To see beyond what was. And find new vantage points through the power of heart-led speaking. Philip and Amanda-Lee create a space that invites you into your true sovereignty. It is a gift beyond to feel so ignited through these sessions. LIM has been life-changing and soul-touching.
If you have been seeking, searching, and reaching for something to bring you back to yourself, this is it. This method is a full-circle homecoming.
While other modalities will you have you continuing your search forever outside of yourself, Philip and Amanda-Lee will bring you home and introduce you to the very place you have been searching for all along. LIM will open doorways to yourself and God. This will impact your life in transformative ways. All that it takes is a courageous heart and a willing first step. Here, you will meet yourself again and again, and you will watch your life shift in miraculous ways."
Carol-Anne Besler
Intuitive Astrologer
"LIM is simplicity, intuitive, and without words. I've spent years in and out of practicing a subset of what you're teaching, but it felt more like I was mining or seeking the resistance/tension within, deliberately 'excavating' it as though it were a project. I stopped doing that but did not segway into a richer more present practice until LIM. LIM is a coming home. Very electric like my body is reconnecting with all its parts - wholeness. So much emotion has been awakened all throughout my body, and I look forward to my daily immersions.
Philip and Amanda-lee are genuine, salt of the earth kind of people with a vast embodiment of that which they teach. They're pioneers for this next wave of expanding consciousness - 'spirituality', that humanity is moving into. It's grounded, practical, profound and simple, can be applied immediately, doesn't need more workshops or money thrown at it - once you truly Know the Living Immersion Method, you are on your own. One doesn't rely upon or answer to another, just their own sovereignty and personal unfolding. Amanda-lee and Philip are the leaders of today and for the many decades to come - they support you in supporting yourself, so you can set yourself free from your own conditioning.
If you're all out of seeking, all out of searching for the next fix, guru, workshop, therapist, healer, life coach, and feel ready to move into and face the very roots within of that which you feel you've needed healing/help for, LIM will help take you there."

Nick Smith
New Zealand
"Before LIM I faced challenging cycles in my relationship despite having a strong awareness and learned many tools previously. Progress was being made but was slow and both parties were experiencing hurt in the meantime.
Weeks later, I have never felt more connected to myself. The benefits of LIM have been numerous. More awareness in the moment during previously triggering situations. I eat healthier without feeling I'm sacrificing simply because I can feel how poor food affects my energy. And I also felt into what I previously would have called anxiety using this method and feel the most at peace with it I have ever felt. I do not fear it, put it that way after a profound LIM experience during the course.
Once you know the power of this connection you cannot un-know it.
LIM feels like intense, full-body waves of energy, to light buzzing, to a subtle connection to Life Force when navigating your day-to-day, which results in a feeling of assuredness through all things that arise.
Philip and Amanda-Lee complement each other perfectly. Amanda-Lee provides a beautiful example of living from source as does Philip, however the gift Philip brings is his articulate and illustrative explanations and analogies to help you understand things more easily.
This has been the single most empowering practice and learnings I have ever experienced after trying many modalities throughout my life. I will use LIM daily for life, it is that powerful. What could be more powerful than learning to connect to and embody your own divine expression of Life Force?"
Robyn Engelbrecht
South Africa
"Before LIM I was feeling unsure about my purpose, and how to create/market offerings in a way that feels authentic. I was aware of certain deep-seated patterns still playing out in my life related to money, relationships, and my expression. Most of all, I was feeling the longing to be living and cocreating from a space of more freedom, alignment, and sovereignty.
During the program, I was able to see certain patterns in myself more deeply than I ever had before, through learning to build more intimacy and safety within myself. I discovered that I am able to hold myself at depths of vulnerability that I never knew I could. Through the group container that Philip and Amanda-Lee held, began, for the first time, to really taste what it is to be sovereign, and to hold the unshakeable knowing that whatever is arising, I am able to meet that energy within myself, and the trust that even if I don't have the capacity to fully meet it right now, I am day by day building that capacity through LIM.
The program has been a turning point in my life, it feels like a full recalibration, and what I have received, is something that no amount of money could buy.
I feel a tangible difference in the way I relate to others, especially in the way I can move through any triggers that come up for me. Although I am only at the beginning stages of stepping into my purpose, after the program, I feel so much trust that the clarity around my next steps will come, and that I will be able to create a business and to be in service from a place of deep integrity. I feel the real journey is only just beginning, and I am leaving the program with immense gratitude, and a beautiful sense of devotion to continuing to deepen in this embodiment, knowing that the impacts are and will continue to ripple out into every aspect of my life.
I feel Life Force moving through me in a way I never have before. The only way I can try to describe it is that I felt myself being flooded with God. I feel a deeper trust than I ever have before with the intelligence of this energy.
My experience working with Philip and Amanda-Lee far surpassed expectations. It was so beautiful to feel the immense devotion that they hold toward the work they are bringing through, and to each and every one of us in the container. To feel their union has inspired me to new potentials of what is possible in relationship and purpose. And of course, their embodiment of what they are teaching is tangibly felt. The transmissions they brought through on every live call were incredibly powerful and could not have felt more aligned, and the depth, safety, and authenticity of the container they held was reflected in the depth of the sharings from each person in the group. They made each one of us feel deeply seen, whether it was through responding with felt devotion to every single question in the Telegram group, or through the space they held for each of us to share on the calls, or the ways they would so beautifully reflect each one of us back to ourselves.
As someone who has dived deep into several spiritual traditions, healing modalities over many years, in my experience, no one is teaching what Philip and Amanda-Lee are. For me, LIM has been the missing piece that has given me the 'how' to truly step into sovereignty."

Chelsea Giedd
Embodiment Guide
"Before LIM, I found myself navigating a divorce and finding it difficult to process through some of the tough emotions coming through. I wanted a space to be able to transmute those emotions that was different than what I was doing through somatics. I was also feeling a bit lost in my business direction, and wanted to approach my business in a more aligned way versus trying to manifest and mold it into what I thought it should be.
I started to lean on LIM as a way to process through my tough emotions. Instead of moving them through me with dancing and somatics, I learned how to merge with them and really alchemize them into my body. I also experienced the ultimate surrender of control, letting every aspect of my life go to God and knowing that I am divinely supported, guided and led in my journey.
It's been wild to witness how much I have drastically changed in these 8 weeks from the way I look at and experience things to the way I am able to fully surrender and release control. New clients are finding me, I'm getting referrals from past clients and my retreats are filling up all without me literally doing anything.
I feel a lot of tingly in my entire body every time I do an immersion. I often feel as though my body is so heavy and dense I couldn't move it even if I tried. I've had some really unique experiences of feeling like I'm no longer breathing but instead becoming one with the universe and the breath of all life.
I was very pleasantly surprised at the amount of love and care that went into this program from both Amanda-Lee and Philip. It's obvious how much you both care for this work, each other and everyone that has entered into your program. Very grateful to have been a part of this process. Thank you so much for everything you do!"

Selema Masekela
Sports Media Personality / Entrepreneur
"Throw away any ideas of what meditation or therapy might be. Throw away any sense of expectation. Understand that you are doing something quite daunting in recalibrating how you actually live. If you do that, the joys and growth you can experience are unprecedented and unlimited."

Lisa Berkowitz
Executive Embodiment Coach
"We are accessing something so true, so eternal, and finally in a way that is not just glimpsed, but embodied and radiated in a sustainable way."
Mina R.
Global Financial Advisor
"This method changes you from the inside out, you become the highest, purest version of yourself. You realign with your own connection to everything that is God. You learn to laugh in the face of anything that you no longer resonate with. You tap into your own power, there is no denying how much you can change, that the people around you may not recognize you or want to know the real new you.
You finally become clear and everything makes sense even when you don't have all the answers. You are confident, you have no fear, you are real but so not real anymore.
This method changes your relationship with self, loved ones, social status, all aspects of your existence, all without ego. You feel things more and feel less at the same time, you want to do more for your self and you also have time for your loved ones, you have the time to do everything you want, you learn about the things that matter to you, you fall in love with yourself and so your life can really begin.
You realize the things and patterns of your former self that have had you bound, all restricting your movement and voice, these things have no hold over you anymore, you are freed from what held you so tightly and your heart opens.
I recall sitting down for my first Zoom day, which I barely had time for, which I barely made, and I recall Philip saying, take a note of how you are feeling this very moment. I recall how I felt, and that person simply does not exist anymore."
* All testimonials shared are from clients that worked hard to earn their results. Everyone is different and these clients understood that they manifest their own reality by showing up and doing the work necessary to change their own lives. They are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the similar results.
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER:** Do not stop taking any medications without speaking to your physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, mental health provider or other health care professional. We are not providing health care, medical or nutrition therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure in any manner whatsoever any physical ailment, or any mental or emotional issue, disease or condition.