Philip & Amanda-Lee Attar

Founders of the Academy of Living Intelligence™ 
& the Living Immersion Method™

Philip Attar

Philip Attar founded his practice in 2015 after transforming his own life from dis-ease into ease. In 2010, the stresses of his NYC Creative Director career (Swarovski, Vogue, Coach) and family death took their toll on his nervous system. This activated Philip's traumatic Graves' Ophthalmopathy disease and he became cross-eyed with bulging eyes and led Philip to surrender every ounce of his will and completely let go let God. Through a self-induced somatic surrendering process, he discovered that when you release deep tensions in your body on a quantum level, you can self-induce a cellular kinesthetic healing state and activate your immune system. He was able to self-regulate his hormones without medications, leading to the development of the Living Immersion Method™ (formerly named the Somatic Heart Breath).

Amanda-Lee Attar 

Amanda-Lee has embodied the depth of this unique kinesthetic Immersion Method into one consciousness through her own similar inner work with childhood trauma and through her experience working with many elite private clients over the years. After several years of traumatic experiences she was naturally invited into the sovereign surrender until there was nothing left to surrender into, true union within One. When Philip and Amanda-Lee met they deeply connected through their unique individual yet similar experiences and methods without any mentors, books, or teachers to guide them. Over time they developed a knowing that they would merge in loving union one day to build an Academy devoted to their unique teachings. 

Philip and his wife Amanda-Lee Attar have now launched their Academy of Living Intelligence™, dedicated to the education, facilitation, and science of healing and the expansion of consciousness. They are devoted to building the Academy as a legacy of Truth for the advancement of humanity. As a student of the Academy you will become a vanguard of embodied truth, representing the evolution of human potential.

The Academy is part of their life-long vision to build a world-renowned healing institution and retreat center as a legacy for future generations to share a greater ripple of our sovereign genius with humanity.


Mina Rani
Global Financial Advisor
"This method changes you from the inside out, you become the highest, purest version of yourself. You realign with your own connection to everything that is God. You learn to laugh in the face of anything that you no longer resonate with. You tap into your own power, there is no denying how much you can change, that the people around you may not recognize you or want to know the real new you.

You finally become clear and everything makes sense even when you don't have all the answers. You are confident, you have no fear, you are real but so not real anymore.

This method changes your relationship with self, loved ones, social status, all aspects of your existence, all without ego. You feel things more and feel less at the same time, you want to do more for your self and you also have time for your loved ones, you have the time to do everything you want, you learn about the things that matter to you, you fall in love with yourself and so your life can really begin.

You realize the things and patterns of your former self that have had you bound, all restricting your movement and voice, these things have no hold over you anymore, you are freed from what held you so tightly and your heart opens.

I recall sitting down for my first Zoom day, which I barely had time for, which I barely made, and I recall Philip saying, take a note of how you are feeling this very moment. I recall how I felt, and that person simply does not exist anymore.
Snow Gross
Wellness Coach
"I’m speechless at this point. All my life I planned, I tried to control, cuz I’m a “powerful” human being! But man oh man how childish I was, completely unaware of what True power feels like, what Truth can do. Thank you thank you thank you. For Philip Attar and Sue Bahnan leading this experience, and for everyone joining this journey. There is true power on the other side of surrender and allowing. I’m a firm believer now.”
Jeff Agostinelli
Business & Performance Mindset Coach
"If I had to pinpoint one thing here it's that I was able to be present with whatever challenge or decision was in front of me and instead of solely logically thinking my way through the choice, it's as if I now tap into a greater perspective where I can see the next best step and feel with every cell of my being that it's the next step to take.

It's very empowering. It amazes me how simple and effective this is. I've done everything from Vipassana to Joe Dispenza to all kinds of personal growth work and this is the most useful. It's kind of like the minimalist approach to cosmic consciousness."
Anne Marie S.
"After 15 years of trying to heal, being unaware of all the subconscious unhealthy patterns, I have finally found the only thing I needed, myself. And this program taught me how." 
Gayle D.
8-fig Tech Entrepreneur
"You will not find a better source or program, you will gain more than you can imagine. I have taken many a course, with many different teachers, including an executive coach for 15 years. I’ve gained more from this workshop than from anything else I’ve done. Game changer as you walk away with a process you can use for a lifetime. A process that will open your heart to receive and give the love we are born with, learn to deal with any trauma and free your mind to creativity we all need more of. Being a part of the Workshop was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made."
Alan M.
Private 1:1 Client: 8-fig Music Entrepreneur
"I have experienced a deepened level of groundedness, connectedness, integration, and harmonization of my thoughts and past experiences. This has resulted in an enhanced state of clarity and peaceful flow that has been transformative.

These practices are leading me to a completely new place of being. Over the past few weeks, I have experienced some of the most flowing and organic conversations with my kids and other key relationships, which have reinforced my intuitive conclusion that I am traveling down the right path, and moving toward a much more vibrant, clear, authentic/integrated spirited and potent, present experience.
Briar Rose
Actor, Stunt Performer
"These meditations have changed my life - they're so special in the space/vibration they create & allow me to connect into - a frequency of absolute PRESENCE. There is infinite potential for creation in the present moment & you have no choice but to tune into it - there is so much power of self in the body & in this space. Our cellular selves have an infinite intelligence and tuning into this network through Philip's guidance is incredibly powerful. Thank you, Phillip, for being here in this world"
Dua Kamran
 "Life-changing, and you really have to try it for yourself to see the depth of what I, and others who've done his meditations, are saying. I've felt my years upon YEARS of constant dissociation fade and melt away within seconds. I was back in my body, and that's all it took. 3 weeks into it, I find the safest, purest, and most beautiful feeling of love that I can imagine and one that feels more familiar than anything. His meditations brought me back 'home,' the only place I trust wholeheartedly, and one that cultivates an abundance of love and healing in all aspects of my life."
Yehan Jehan
“These meditations are phenomenal. They are not even meditations as you know them to be, they are the simple instructions we all must return to. You don't have to do anything to be. You simple must embody it all. We all suffer through trauma patterns and THIS right here, and the pointings of other teachers out there, goes to the root. To accept WITH the trauma that you will eventually discover to be non-existent in the timeless now. If we all simply already acknowledge we are already THAT, that includes your moody days and irritability too, which you will further notice as patterns waiting to be re-written. What was once learned, can be forgotten, and it can be re-written, but ultimately there is nothing to manifest, only FLOW! I look forward to Philip's upcoming meditations as well and thoroughly enjoy his content shared.”
Sumit Atwal
“I would recommend Philip's Immersion Method to anyone who wants to live a beautiful, meaningful and empowered life from the inside out. This program is for those that want to live on their highest timeline untainted of trauma so that their original blueprint can naturally attract their best life. It’s been such a profound experience."
Robyn E.
Before joining the Workshop, I felt stuck, overwhelmed, and uncertain about the way forward. It seemed as if there was a missing piece that kept me from fully transforming and living from a place of embodied knowing. With this method, I began to access profound kinesthetic awareness that helped me remain more present in my body during my day-to-day life. More and more, I can catch my triggers in real time and shift my reactivity. Most importantly, I feel a greater sense of trust and safety within myself. This method has brought much clarity and simplicity regarding the 'how' when it comes to my healing and aligning with my purpose. It feels like this was the missing piece I was looking for."
Jess Bushnell
The results I experienced went far beyond what I expected when I initially signed up. I had desired support with moving through pretty major imposter syndrome. As a recently certified life coach, I kept bumping up against a lot of tension and anxiety, which I was interpreting as "blocks" to moving forward. Now, I've found a deeper sense of courage and groundedness that helps me keep moving forward in creating the heart-centered business of my dreams. With the Immersion Method, I came out with a practice that I literally use in every area of my life. I have since used the method to re-direct my energy everywhere: when processing emotion, when my kid has a tantrum, when I get nervous talking to a client, when I get angry at my father... literally EVERY AREA of life."
Vicky Bush
Phil and his team are some of the best space holders I have experienced. There is a balance you feel with him, living what he is teaching while also showing his humanness and not pretending to know it all. Learning this method, I went from struggling to be present and calm, feeling extreme tension in my body, and struggling with decision-making to now feeling equipped to cope with stress and make wise decisions in my life. The most significant changes were in the micro habits, the ones that make up most of your life. I found myself making smarter choices like putting my health first and treating myself with compassion and heart."
Saiful Haque
“Before this program, I was experiencing deep heartbreak after the end of my marriage. I felt as if I had lost everything. My back was permanently hunched, my diet was not ideal, I was addicted to weed, my activity level was nonexistent, and I was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety disorder. I was on antidepressants and overweight. The Immersion Method gave me clear sight and revelations about aspects of my life and behavior that were not aligned with me. I'm able to see patterns with clarity and take action to not repeat behaviors that do not serve me. Now, my mind is calmer, and my body significantly more relaxed. Most significantly, I've learned the art of letting go and to not judge myself. As a result, my sleep improved overnight. I began to treat my mind and body with respect. My body dropped weight as I let go of the stress, and I wake up more rested and energized."
Tanja K.
Before joining, I had a lot of challenges divorcing a narcissistic husband while simultaneously running a new business. In the rebuilding phase, I went through many different healing modalities, including reading all the self-help books out there. I started to recognize my patterns and how childhood traumas and family dynamics led to becoming dissociated. I took on new healing practices and did meditations, but something was still missing. The Immersion Method goes deeper than meditation. I felt kinesthetic awareness throughout my body, paired with incredible peace. I now see clearly how my body and soul are guiding me to a better life with patience and dedication. I also notice that my responses to my triggers are calmer. I've learned to soften into the friction and respond with skillfulness. This practice made me realize and embody the power of incredible potential. All conditioning, programming, and friction are slowly going away."
Ouida Patten
The program facilitated nervous system regulation that I had not experienced before. I could feel into my body and experience it in a totally different way. The benefits have been immeasurable. Before, I felt really stagnant, wanting to create change, and unaware of what was keeping me stuck. This method has helped me have more focus and make better decisions for myself to shift in real-time. It has helped me move beyond the limits of meditations I experienced in the past. I’m so glad I gave myself the gift of this container; it assisted me in moving through the stagnant energy to more flow in my life. I never wanted to miss the live calls. You'll want to be in the space and feel the energy in real-time."
Marta Valverde Maestre
After 2 weeks of integration, I feel like I can move through fear with more clarity. I have more peace, energy, and a sense of connectedness to the world around me. I always felt supported by Phil and the team, and all my questions were always responded to thoroughly. The biggest takeaway was cultivating the ability to pause, and rest in awareness, which gave me a deeper understanding of when behaviors and patterns are happening due to previous conditioning. I now see when I am striving to control or numb. This has allowed me to see things for what they are instead of being wrapped up in them emotionally. Before, I lacked clarity in what actions mattered in my life and which ones didn't. I felt overwhelmed, confused, and like I was never doing enough. I felt reactive and like I was operating from fear, always wanting to rush through work and the present moment. This space has allowed me to process the emotions I hadn't allowed myself to feel for years with more ease"
Madeleine B.
My biggest challenges before the program were my financial situation, allowing myself to be supported by my partner (and the universe) without guilt, feeling like a failure, and fear of visibility, procrastination, and lack of motivation. With this method, I entered very blissful trance states during the immersions. I was able to meet fears that came up with acceptance. I even received a big scholarship one month after finishing the course, which was massive for me - the biggest thing I have ever won. I love this technique!"
Iykechi McCoy
The positive results I experienced after the Imemrsion were that I cultivated a deeper self-love and self-compassion. I learned to truly take my time with things, to let things be a “slow drip,” because before I wasn't allowing myself to go slow and embody the things I wished to integrate fully. I also learned to have greater trust in myself to be my own guide, to figure things out, and to get through any challenge. My relationships became more fulfilling. Overall, the experience was fun, expansive, grounding, and adventurous. The live calls were great, and it was so good to be in the community. It was also transformative to have the hot seat coaching. Seeing people transform themselves and gain clarity in the moment was so helpful for me, even if I wasn't the one in the seat."
Vanessa Antoine
Before joining the workshop, I was struggling to trust myself and was stuck in cycles of overthinking or fearing that something bad was going to happen. It felt like I was unable to move forward and uncertain about what actions I needed to take to advance in my business and personal life. Inside the program, I immediately noticed that the fear, anxiety, and persistent negative thoughts started to subside. I began feeling a sense of peace and that everything I needed would be revealed to me. I could feel certainty in myself even through times of uncertainty. I noticed that I am experiencing less resistance in my business, and taking action feels easier and simpler for me. I am more grounded and notice that I am showing up less anxious and controlling in relationships. I don't have a sense of panic when things don't happen exactly the way I see fit. If I could sum it all up, I feel like an element of ease has been added to my life. I'm able to soften in areas that call for me to be in my feminine and take on more masculine energy in the spaces that call for it. The program felt very inclusive and supportive. I could tell a lot of thought went into crafting the client experience, and it's one of the first times I've been in a program of this nature and not felt like something was lacking. I wish the calls were longer, not because they need to be, but because I truly enjoyed being in this space."
Kelly Rae Kerwin
I’m a spiritual healer and teacher who is constantly on the verge of scaling and always seemed to be working through some business challenges. Now, I have more bandwidth in my business. I had lost the love of entrepreneurship, and throughout the process, I had more energy for it again. My body feels better with so much tension released during the process. I even ended up bringing in more people into one of my offerings than I ever have before. I consider that a huge win. Phil and Sue are an amazing duo. My questions were always answered quickly."
Paul M.
Before, I struggled with business, finances, relationships, family, and purpose. Now, I have improved sleep, feeling safety in my body, new awareness around how often I'm experiencing levels of disassociation, and improved clarity when making decisions in my career and relationships. I really enjoyed the experience. I found Philip to be an excellent teacher and someone who facilitated profound healing and connection to self."
[email protected] 
* All testimonials shared are from clients that worked hard to earn their results. Everyone is different and these clients understood that they manifest their own reality by showing up and doing the work necessary to change their own lives. They are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the similar results.

** Do not stop taking any medications without speaking to your physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, mental health provider or other health care professional. We are not providing health care, medical or nutrition therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure in any manner whatsoever any physical ailment, or any mental or emotional issue, disease or condition.